Media report from Derby Telegraph: School's instant savings thanks to solar panels
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A CITY school is already using 22% less mains electricity by producing its own after having solar panels fitted during the summer holiday.
Since it began a campaign to go greener in 2007, West Park School in Spondon has been finding ways to reduce its energy consumption such as switching off lights and using more energy-efficient lights.
School bursar Rob Mousley then jumped at the chance to have the new panels fitted free of charge as part of the ongoing energy project.
He said: "The solar panels are the latest measure in a programme that has seen electricity consumption in the school fall by 18% since 2007, despite an increase in the number of electrical items we use in IT on site.
"We have only had one full month of operation since the panels were fitted but already we have seen a 22% reduction compared to this time last year."
"The solar panels will enable us to reduce our carbon emissions and the panels indicate our continuing commitment to address global issues at local levels.
"Pupils will also be able to monitor the solar panel system as part of their science, geography and technology lessons. We aim to give all our pupils, knowledge and a greater understanding of the world around them so they have the skills they will need when they leave school to be successful."
The solar panel system is owned by Engynious Clean Power (UK) Ltd and was supplied free to the school through the Power Your Future solar programme, which is run in conjunction with Eco-Schools and managed by Winch Energy.
The system, which has been fitted to the roof of the school's main block and on the sports hall, is expected to generate 42MWh of renewable electricity and save the school around 22 tonnes of carbon every year.
Mr Mousley said: "All we had to do was sign a contract for our electricity supply at a guaranteed cheaper rate, which gives us a saving of about £5,000 a year for the next 25 years. Our annual energy bill is in the region of £36,000."
"We could never have afforded the £100,000 needed to buy a system like this outright and we would have been hard pressed to see instant savings like we are now."
The Power Your Future solar programme, which is being run with Engynious, allows schools to have solar panels installed, maintained and decommissioned at no cost to the school.
Mr Mousley said: "With traditional energy prices set to rise, the new deal will help buffer us from escalating fuel bills without the worries of capital and maintenance costs that are associated with solar panel systems."
The programme began in March and the West Park Road school is one of the first to have the system fitted.
Written by Zena Hawley